Tuesday, 30 May 2017

AM Bio 11 week of May 29th

AM Bio 11:
Monday - Test: Algae, Moss & Ferns, begin answering questions in Tree lab
Wednesday - Notes: gymnosperms, Lab: Gymnosperms (Trees)
homework - watch and write notes on Angiosperms (due next Monday)

Monday, 29 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 week of May 29th

Blocks 2 & 3:
Monday - External frog dissection, work on both external and internal lab questions. This video may help you with the internal frog dissection
Chordates test (a small one next Monday, June 5th)

Tuesday - Internal Frog Dissection (questions and diagrams due Thursday)
Homework (due tomorrow): Watch and write notes on the subphylum vertebrata and its classes from the below

Wednesday - Notes: Flight & Reproductive classes, finish Frog lab
Chordates test (a small one next Monday, June 5th)
Thursday - Notes: Kingdom Plantae & intro Algae, Algae Worksheet using this video (due tomorrow)
Friday - Worksheet: Adaptations of Plants to Land, Review for Chordates test (which is on Monday)

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 week of May 23rd

Blocks 2 & 3:

Tuesday - submit crayfish lab, Notes: Arthropod taxonomy, index cards
Wednesday - index cards & review for test
Thursday - TEST: Mollusca, Echinodermata & Arthropoda
Friday - Notes: Chordates

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 - week of May 15th

Blocks 2 & 3:

Monday - Work block: complete clambook, squid lab, mollusca table (key found here) and start your index card project (introduced today)

Tuesday - Notes: Echinoderms, Worksheet: Sea Stars (start)

Wednesday - Sea Star worksheet (continued - key found here).  Echinoderm Jigsaw ... in groups your explored and researched each of the 4 classes of echinoderms.

Thursday - Notes: Phylum Arthropoda; homework - pre-lab: watch both of these videos (external and internal) in preparation for the crayfish dissection.

Friday - Lab: crayfish dissection. Questions and diagrams due Tuesday.

Monday, 15 May 2017

AM Bio 11 - week of May 15th

AM Bio 11

Monday - submit algae notes, Worksheet: adaptations to land (submit today)
Homework: watch and write notes on Bryophytes using this vodcast

Thursday - Discuss bryophytes, Lab: Moss (due on Wednesday).  If you were absent today, please email me and I will send you an alternate lab to complete for Wednesday .  The video below would help with your understanding especially with alternation of generations.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

AM Bio 11: Week of May 9th

AM Bio 11

Wednesday - submit mold lab, Discuss characteristics of Fungi, Notes: Control of Fungi, Take home fungus quiz (due tomorrow)

Thursday - submit Fungus quiz, Notes: Intro to Kingdom Plantae & Algae
Homework: Complete algae worksheet using a textbook or this video ...

Block 2 & 3: Week of May 9th

Blocks 2 & 3

Tuesday - test, pre-notes on Phylum Mollusca

Wednesday - Notes: Mollusca, Explore the classes activity,  pre-lab: clambook (due tomorrow)

Thursday - Recap on Mollusca, Lab: Bivalve dissection (complete lab and questions in class)...if you need help with identification of structures, this video should help

Homework: watch this squid dissection video .... it will help for you dissection. 

Friday - Recap on Mollusca, Lab: Squid dissection (due Monday)

Monday, 1 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3

Blocks 2 & 3

Monday - Plickers review of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Answers to WS: Platyhelminthes, Notes: Nematoda
Reminder: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelia test on Tuesday, May 9th!
Tuesday - Notes: Annelida notes,
Homework: pre-lab questions & drawing and video of dissection (see below), video, & notes

Wednesday - Lab: Annelida dissection, complete questions and crossword and submit

Thursday - Finish Annelida lab (submit) and review.

Friday - Review topics, Complete Animalia Table (key here), Review options: review sheet and quizlet under review tab above and/or review game at front.  (alternate review sheet can be found here)

TEST NEXT TUESDAY (Porifera, Cnidaria and all 3 worms!)