Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Tuesday, Jan 31st

Welcome to Biology 11!  I love starting a new semester as I get to meet new people and it is refreshing starting something new.

After introductions and housekeeping today, we started reviewing some previous knowledge that applies to Biology 11 (presentation slide here).

Homework (due tomorrow):
- label plant and animal cell organelles (hand out)
- complete this survey

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Wed., Jan 18th

Lab: Observing Cnidaria (handout)
     - omit Class Schyphozoa question
     - due at end of lunch hour tomorrow
Hwk check: Porifera WS

Monday, 16 January 2017

Monday, Jan 16th

Last week - Monday review & Thursday midterm

Phylum Porifera WS (Key here)
Notes: Phylum Cnidaria

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Thursday Animal Party!!

Ok, not really a party but about animals no less :)

Introductory notes on Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Porifera.

Reminder: Midterm next Thursday (see topics on last blogpost).  No class next Wednesday so see you Monday and Thursday next week.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Wednesday, Jan 5th - Happy 2017!

Midterm Review day (1 of 2 ... next one next Monday)
Midterm is next Thursday.

Watch this video before tomorrow's class ...

 The topics that will be covered by this midterm are:
Introductory Concepts
-Osmosis & Diffusion
Evolution & Adaptations
-Evidence of evolution
-Natural Selection (Darwin’s 5 points & types of selection
-Factors that increase/decrease variation
-Convergent/Divergent evolution (Homologous/Analogous)
-Rates of evolutionary change
-Characteristics of living things vs. viruses
-Virus structure
-Viral reproduction (Lytic/Lysogenic)
-Immune system (Innate/Acquired/Non-Specific/Specific)
-Antibody-Antigen interaction
-Biological drawings
-Calculating actual size
-Calculating drawing magnification
-Taxonomic groupings (D.K.P.C.O.F.G.S)
-Binomial Nomenclature
-Eukaryote vs. Prokaryote
-Classified via: Shape, grouping, nutrient/energy consumption, cell walls
-Evolution (archaea versus eubacteria)
-Reproduction & exchange of genetic info (Conjugation, transformation, transduction)
-Ecological Roles of Bacteria
-Bacterial controls
-Common characteristics
-Key Phyla: Sarcodina, Ciliophora, Sporozoa, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta
-Key organisms: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena (draw and label)
-Ecological Roles (positive and negative)