Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 - week of June 12th

I am not sure which order Ms. Cameron is going to do this in but here are some resources for you all to access:
Gymnosperm notes
Gymnosperm video lesson:

Angiosperm notes
Angiosperm video lesson:

Seed notes
Seed activity answer key

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 - Week of June 5th

Blocks 2 & 3:
**Test on Algae, Moss & Ferns on Monday, June 12th**
Monday - Chordates Test, complete Algae WS that was handed out last Thursday ... Key to Adaptations to Land found here
Tuesday - go over Algae WS, Notes: Phylum Bryophyta
Wednesday - Lab: Moss (Bryophyta) due tomorrow ... an alternate is available upon request if you were absent.  Please email me.
Homework: Watch and write notes on Ferns using this video:
Thursday: Check-in on ferns, Lab: Ferns (due at the end of class tomorrow) ... alternate available upon request if you were absent.
Friday: Finish fern lab, review for algae, moss, fern test which is on Monday

AM bio

Monday - you stinkers ... not doing your homework!!  Ok - so today learned about Angiosperms
Wednesday - Angiosperm Lab (due tomorrow)
Thursday - Seed Notes and Activity ... and I will miss you all :(

Test (Gymnosperms, Angiosperms & Seeds) next Wednesday, June 14th
Term 4 Test (on ALL Animalia & Plantae) on Wednesday, June 21st.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

AM Bio 11 week of May 29th

AM Bio 11:
Monday - Test: Algae, Moss & Ferns, begin answering questions in Tree lab
Wednesday - Notes: gymnosperms, Lab: Gymnosperms (Trees)
homework - watch and write notes on Angiosperms (due next Monday)

Monday, 29 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 week of May 29th

Blocks 2 & 3:
Monday - External frog dissection, work on both external and internal lab questions. This video may help you with the internal frog dissection
Chordates test (a small one next Monday, June 5th)

Tuesday - Internal Frog Dissection (questions and diagrams due Thursday)
Homework (due tomorrow): Watch and write notes on the subphylum vertebrata and its classes from the below

Wednesday - Notes: Flight & Reproductive classes, finish Frog lab
Chordates test (a small one next Monday, June 5th)
Thursday - Notes: Kingdom Plantae & intro Algae, Algae Worksheet using this video (due tomorrow)
Friday - Worksheet: Adaptations of Plants to Land, Review for Chordates test (which is on Monday)

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 week of May 23rd

Blocks 2 & 3:

Tuesday - submit crayfish lab, Notes: Arthropod taxonomy, index cards
Wednesday - index cards & review for test
Thursday - TEST: Mollusca, Echinodermata & Arthropoda
Friday - Notes: Chordates

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 - week of May 15th

Blocks 2 & 3:

Monday - Work block: complete clambook, squid lab, mollusca table (key found here) and start your index card project (introduced today)

Tuesday - Notes: Echinoderms, Worksheet: Sea Stars (start)

Wednesday - Sea Star worksheet (continued - key found here).  Echinoderm Jigsaw ... in groups your explored and researched each of the 4 classes of echinoderms.

Thursday - Notes: Phylum Arthropoda; homework - pre-lab: watch both of these videos (external and internal) in preparation for the crayfish dissection.

Friday - Lab: crayfish dissection. Questions and diagrams due Tuesday.

Monday, 15 May 2017

AM Bio 11 - week of May 15th

AM Bio 11

Monday - submit algae notes, Worksheet: adaptations to land (submit today)
Homework: watch and write notes on Bryophytes using this vodcast

Thursday - Discuss bryophytes, Lab: Moss (due on Wednesday).  If you were absent today, please email me and I will send you an alternate lab to complete for Wednesday .  The video below would help with your understanding especially with alternation of generations.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

AM Bio 11: Week of May 9th

AM Bio 11

Wednesday - submit mold lab, Discuss characteristics of Fungi, Notes: Control of Fungi, Take home fungus quiz (due tomorrow)

Thursday - submit Fungus quiz, Notes: Intro to Kingdom Plantae & Algae
Homework: Complete algae worksheet using a textbook or this video ...

Block 2 & 3: Week of May 9th

Blocks 2 & 3

Tuesday - test, pre-notes on Phylum Mollusca

Wednesday - Notes: Mollusca, Explore the classes activity,  pre-lab: clambook (due tomorrow)

Thursday - Recap on Mollusca, Lab: Bivalve dissection (complete lab and questions in class)...if you need help with identification of structures, this video should help

Homework: watch this squid dissection video .... it will help for you dissection. 

Friday - Recap on Mollusca, Lab: Squid dissection (due Monday)

Monday, 1 May 2017

Blocks 2 & 3

Blocks 2 & 3

Monday - Plickers review of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Answers to WS: Platyhelminthes, Notes: Nematoda
Reminder: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelia test on Tuesday, May 9th!
Tuesday - Notes: Annelida notes,
Homework: pre-lab questions & drawing and video of dissection (see below), video, & notes

Wednesday - Lab: Annelida dissection, complete questions and crossword and submit

Thursday - Finish Annelida lab (submit) and review.

Friday - Review topics, Complete Animalia Table (key here), Review options: review sheet and quizlet under review tab above and/or review game at front.  (alternate review sheet can be found here)

TEST NEXT TUESDAY (Porifera, Cnidaria and all 3 worms!)

Sunday, 30 April 2017

AM bio 11 week of May 1st

AM Bio 11
Monday - Review dikaryotic stage of fungi, check your lab, Notes: Classification of Fungi
Homework: using these presentation slides, complete the questions handed out in class. 

Thursday - Discuss questions, Notes: Control of Fungi, check mold lab & begin writing it up.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 week of April 24th

Blocks 2 & 3
Monday - finish Cnidarian lab (omit Class Scyphozoa section) - submit by end of class

Tuesday - Group work on comparing Porifera to Cnidarians, complete porifera & cnidarian columns on Animalia Table, Notes: Phylum Platyhelminthes, Video: Shape of Life Cnidarians.

Wednesday: Platyhelminthes notes continued, start Platyhelminthes lab (just prepared slides).  These images might help you.
Class Turbellaria  – PlanariaDugesia sp.

Class Trematoda  –  FlukeClonorchis sinensis
Class Cestoda  –  TapewormTaenia sp.
Thursday - Lab continued with live Planaria; Worksheet: Planaria (do not hand this in, I can't handle any more marking ... we will discuss on Monday)

AM Bio week of April 24th

AM Bio 11
Monday - set up Fungi lab & review for Arthropoda & Chordata Test that is on Wednesday.

Wednesday - Arthropoda & Chordata test, post-test terms to define: Haploid chromosomal number (n), Diploid chromosomal number (2n), Sporangium, Spores, Gametangium, Gametes, Dikaryotic = a cell that has 2 nuclei

Thursday - Check fungi lab (record observations), Notes: Characteristics of Fungi and the 3 typical body plans

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

AM Bio 11 Apr 20th

AM Bio 11

- Finish Aves & Mammalia notes
- Discuss Mammalia reproductive groups and endo/exoskeleton (find slides here)
Reminder: Test on Arthropoda & Chordata on Wednesday

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Blocks 2/3 week of April 18th

Blocks 2 & 3:

Tuesday - return and correct Taxonomy, Monera & Protista tests and review for tomorrow's midterm
Reminder re: Midterm: 31 m.c., 12 matching, 3 diagrams to label and/or discuss, 12 short answer BUT you choose 6 to respond to.  No organelles, mitosis or meiosis...start at genetics.
Wednesday - Midterm

Thursday - Porifera notes, worksheet on porifera (due at end of class... key found here)

Friday - Cnidaria notes, Draw the Life Cycle of a Cnidarian, Start Lab: Exploring Cnidarians

Monday, 10 April 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 - week of April 10th

Blocks 2 & 3
Midterm next Wednesday!!!
Monday - Presentations, Key for Protists notes found here, Review for tomorrow's test (quizlet and review sheet under review tab above).  For test identify and label: bacteria and the 3 protists (euglena, paramecium, amoeba)
Tuesday - Test on Taxonomy (Classification), Kingdom Monera and Kingdom Protista
Wednesday - starting Kingdom Animalia & Review time
Thursday - Phylum Porifera & Review time
Midterm next Wednesday

AM Bio 11 week of April 10th

Before-school Biology 11 class:

Monday - For homework you watched and wrote notes Mrs. Shuck's vodcast on Characteristics of Phylum Chordata.  Today we will dissect Subphylum Vertebrata in a little more detail by completing a table on the 7 classes.
Homework: Watch this video on external frog anatomy
Wednesday - Lab: Frog External Anatomy - drawings, fill-in-the blanks and questions are due today!
Homework: Watch this video on internal frog anatomy
Thursday - Lab: Internal Frog Dissection - drawings and questions due on Monday

Reminder: Test on Arthropods & Chordates on Monday, April 24th

Monday, 3 April 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 - week of Apr 3rd

Here is the plan (if you are/were away, you will need to check with a friend to see what we got to).  Early notice: Kingdom Monera & Protista test next Tuesday.

Monday - Submit formal bacteria labs (3 of them); Bacteria notes (continued) and Evolution and ecology of bacteria notes

Tuesday - Guest speaker: "The Science in Sports" - please take a moment to complete this survey AFTER our presentation (http://mysurvey.letstalkscience.ca/). Antibiotic resistance article and questions.

Wednesday - Introduction to Kingdom Protista and start on guided notes for the phyla of protista

Thursday - Lab: Live Protist Culture (observe & complete table in lab).  When finished, continue with guided notes from yesterday.

Friday - WEAR RED - Go Spartans!!!  Flex day: finish up any loose ends from this unit and review for Tuesday's test on Kingdom Monera & Protista.

AM Class - week of Apr 3rd

Monday - Notes: Arthropoda   
Homework: watch both videos below in preparation for Wednesday lab (note - class on Wednesday this week NOT Thursday)
External Crayfish Dissection 
Internal Crayfish Dissection

Wednesday - Crayfish dissection (Diagrams and questions due Monday)
Homework: complete lab and write notes from this introductory video on Phylum Chordata

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 two week update!

Goodness, I didn't realize that I didn't post last week.... here is a summary:
Tuesday, Mar 7th: Presentations
Wednesday, Mar 8th: Lab: Microscope practise (threads and "e" only), Review (see above tab)
Thursday, Mar 9th: Test: Viruses & Microscopes
Friday, Mar 10th: Review criteria for a biological drawing, Finish Microscope lab, submit ONE biological drawing

Monday, Mar 13th: Notes: Taxonomy, Taxonomy stations (Happy Birthday, Junu!)
Tuesday, Mar 14th: started Kingdom Monera notes, Lab: Peppercorn bacteria culture
Wednesday, Mar 15th: K. Monera notes continued, Lab: Gram Staining bacteria
Thursday, Mar 16th: Lab: Antibiotic/Antiseptic Effects on Bacteria
Friday, Mar 17th: Collect all lab results and do a formal lab write up for EACH lab listed above.  Formal Lab template to follow can be found here

Phew!!!  That was busy.  Thank gosh for spring break!!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

AM Bio 11 two week update

Thursday, Mar 9th:
- submit completed bivalve lab
- index card project (finish mollusca & echinodermata by next Thursday for quiz)
- Worksheet: Sea Star (due Monday)

Monday, Mar 13th with Mr. McKenzie:
- go over Sea Star worksheet (key here)
- Notes: Echinoderms
- work on index car project
- Quiz on Molluscs & Echinoderms on Thursday

Wednesday, Mar 15th:
- Key for mollusca table
- Notes: Arthropoda
- work on index cards (quiz tomorrow)

Thursday, Mar 16th:
- Quiz: Mollusca & Arthropoda
- Class Myriapoda (Centipede vs millipede)
- Table: Myriapoda
- work on index cards

Happy Spring Break!!!  

Monday, 27 February 2017

AM Bio 11 (week of Feb 27th-Mar3rd)

Monday: Notes: Mollusca, Classes information, Paper clam activity

Wednesday: Lab: Bivalve Dissection (submit today), homework: Squid Pre-lab (watch this video)

Thursday: Lab: Cephalopod dissection (due Tuesday - hand in at lunch), homework: watch Echinoderm video and answer questions (closes on Thursday)

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Week of Feb 27th-Mar 3rd (Blocks 2&3)

Monday: Trade & mark worksheet, Notes: Immune System & Viral Specificity, Pathogen Project (rubric found here), research in the LC

Tuesday: review, Notes: Vaccines & human health, research in LC

Wednesday: Notes: Viral Evolution, Scientific Method and Lab Safety
       Topics for quiz:

Thursday: Pathogen Presentation, Virus QUIZ, Microscopes, Worksheet: Microscope AS & DM 

Friday: Pathogen Presentation, Microsope work & biological drawings.

Test on Viruses & Microscopes on Thursday, March 9th

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Blocks 2 & 3 (Feb 20th-23rd)

Monday: Unit 1 Test, worksheet on the language of science

Tuesday: (block 3 grade assembly)
- Is Sammy Alive?
- Notes: Characteristics of Living Things

- Notes: Characteristics of Viruses
- The virus story

- Notes: Viral Reproduction
- worksheet: Virus reproduction (due Monday)

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

AM Bio 11: Week of Feb 20th-23rd

Monday - submit Annelid dissection lab (pick up marked labs on Wednesday)
Review options - game at front of class, Review sheet, quizlet

Thursday: TEST on Porifera, Cnidaria and worm phyla

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Week of Feb 14th - 17th

Biology 11 Blocks 2 & 3:

- Submit Egg lab
- Quiz corrections (discuss with me for half the marks you lost
- Notes: Natural Selection

- Notes: Factors Affecting Variation
- Genetic questions (last slide in above presentation): use textbook from classroom (Miller)
- Homework: Use this presentation (Rate of Evolutionary Change) to copy notes for Friday so that we can discuss them before reviewing
- Reminders: Guest Speakers tomorrow & Unit 1 Test on Monday.

Guest speakers from Geneskool ... Thanks Sam!!

- Discuss notes on Rate of Evolutionary Change
- review time for unit 1 test on Monday

AM Biology 11 class:

- Notes: Phylum Annelida
- pre-lab: for earthworm dissection (due tomorrow) and watch this dissection to help you for tomorrow.  This video will really help you for tomorrow (strongly advised to watch)

Thursday: arrive on time please!
- Show Ms. Paas your pre-lab
- Observational Lab: Earthworm dissection (send Ms. Paas video of your group identifying all the parts) ... lab and crossword due Monday.
- make sure you can lable this diagram:

Test next Thursday (Feb 23rd) on Phylum Porifera, Cnidaria, and Worms (all 3)

Friday, 10 February 2017

Friday, Feb 10th

Block 2 & 3
- Egg lab (day "3") - complete questions for homework and submit (one per person)
- Notes: Evolutionary theorists
- Activity (cont'd): Geological timescale (due Tuesday; one per group)
- Reminder: I am planning for the Unit 1 test to be Feb 20th (Monday)

Family day Monday so see you all on Tuesday.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Thursday, Feb 9th

AM bio 11 
- discussed nematodes & built our own little parasitic worm to replace the planaria that died.  RIP

Biol 11 blocks 2 & 3
- Notes: continued from yesterday
- geologic timescale activity

Wednesday, Feb 8th

AM bio 11 - not class today

Bio 11 Blocks 2 & 3:
- quiz
- egg lab (into syrup)
- Notes: Evidence of Evolution

Monday, 6 February 2017

Monday, Feb 6th


AM Bio 11: Please watch this video and complete these notes before Thursday's class.
- watch this video (create student account...no email needed ... join class with class code susozda)
Nematoda notes
- reminder: Quiz Thursday (see end of Platyhelminthes notes for topics)

Bio 11 - Blocks 2 & 3
I hope out poor little eggs are going to be ok for another day.  Yikes!!
We are still going to have a quiz tomorrow so please review a little bit after you play in the snow.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Friday, Feb 3rd.

Bio 11 Blocks 2 & 3:
- Continue notes: DNA, genes & inheritance 
- Worksheet: Mendelian Genetics (submit) ... for those of you at home, print and complete using the above notes.
- Egg lab (continued) .... from the vinegar into water today.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Thursday, Feb 2nd

AM Bio 11
- Lab: Platyhelminthes (cont'd)
- Quiz on Porifera, Cnidaria & Platyhelminthes next Thursday (see Platy notes for topics)

Bio 11 Blocks 2 & 3:
- Notes: DNA, genes & inheritance 

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Wednesday, Feb 1st

AM Bio 11:
Welcome back...hope all of your exams have gone well.  Today we will discuss Phylum Platyhelminthes (see notes here) to prepare for tomorrow's lab.

Biology 11 Blocks 2 & 3:
After some re-introductions and other housekeeping, we continued discussing the introductory concepts in biology 12 notes (see presentation here) and the set up our egg lab.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Tuesday, Jan 31st

Welcome to Biology 11!  I love starting a new semester as I get to meet new people and it is refreshing starting something new.

After introductions and housekeeping today, we started reviewing some previous knowledge that applies to Biology 11 (presentation slide here).

Homework (due tomorrow):
- label plant and animal cell organelles (hand out)
- complete this survey

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Wed., Jan 18th

Lab: Observing Cnidaria (handout)
     - omit Class Schyphozoa question
     - due at end of lunch hour tomorrow
Hwk check: Porifera WS

Monday, 16 January 2017

Monday, Jan 16th

Last week - Monday review & Thursday midterm

Phylum Porifera WS (Key here)
Notes: Phylum Cnidaria

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Thursday Animal Party!!

Ok, not really a party but about animals no less :)

Introductory notes on Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Porifera.

Reminder: Midterm next Thursday (see topics on last blogpost).  No class next Wednesday so see you Monday and Thursday next week.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Wednesday, Jan 5th - Happy 2017!

Midterm Review day (1 of 2 ... next one next Monday)
Midterm is next Thursday.

Watch this video before tomorrow's class ...

 The topics that will be covered by this midterm are:
Introductory Concepts
-Osmosis & Diffusion
Evolution & Adaptations
-Evidence of evolution
-Natural Selection (Darwin’s 5 points & types of selection
-Factors that increase/decrease variation
-Convergent/Divergent evolution (Homologous/Analogous)
-Rates of evolutionary change
-Characteristics of living things vs. viruses
-Virus structure
-Viral reproduction (Lytic/Lysogenic)
-Immune system (Innate/Acquired/Non-Specific/Specific)
-Antibody-Antigen interaction
-Biological drawings
-Calculating actual size
-Calculating drawing magnification
-Taxonomic groupings (D.K.P.C.O.F.G.S)
-Binomial Nomenclature
-Eukaryote vs. Prokaryote
-Classified via: Shape, grouping, nutrient/energy consumption, cell walls
-Evolution (archaea versus eubacteria)
-Reproduction & exchange of genetic info (Conjugation, transformation, transduction)
-Ecological Roles of Bacteria
-Bacterial controls
-Common characteristics
-Key Phyla: Sarcodina, Ciliophora, Sporozoa, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta
-Key organisms: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena (draw and label)
-Ecological Roles (positive and negative)